Dr. Martina Mrongovius

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Martina Mrongovius is an artist, educator and facilitator who works with holography, spatial imagery and multi-dimensional information structures.  With a background in physics her passion is the creative expression of complex relationships. 

Mrongovius is the Creative and Executive Director of the "Center for the Holographic Arts" (Holocenter), an organization dedicated to helping artists to create holographic artworks and bring holography to the public.  In 2013 she curated the major exhibition 'Interference: Coexistence' for the Holocenter in NYC, bringing together key holographic works from of the span of 30 years.

At the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne (Kunsthochschule für Medien) Mrongovius is a part-time assistant professor teaching holography and light art.  In 2010 she was a guest professor at the 3D Hologram Lab, Kun Shan University, Taiwan.  Mrongovius also assisted in the establishment of the Korean "HOLO center".

Mrongovius' art practice involves installations of multiplexed (spatially-animated) holograms. Her holographic scenes are composed of hundreds of photographs and video, to capture intertwined movements.  By linking (and transforming) the movement of the viewer to a visually suggested protagonist she created a body of work that was the key to her doctoral thesis ʻThe Emergent Holographic Scene - compositions of movement and affect using multiplexed holographic images'.  Holograms from this series have been exhibited in Seoul, New York, Boston, Melbourne, Ghent, Berlin and Cologne.