Chris Wickenden

Curiculum Vitae

„The creativity is one the most important gifts of our students to support and develop. Because an idea can not be created by machines,“ says the British native. For him it is important that his students develop not only their technical knowledge but also their personality.

The ambition to display emotions and experiences three-dimensional characterizes his art and is the particular challenge for the students of his 3D mind & media-degree. His students profit by his many years of experience. In the creative conception a direct connection between theory and practice is about to evolve. With selected companies and existing partners the 3D students will be able to research and experiment long-term on a project.

Chris Wickenden leads programs of media and „3D mind & media“ bachelor degree, which he established at the Fresenius University in Cologne.

Mr. Wickenden was working as an art director and independent artist when he came to Fresenius University. His long experience in agencies working with well-known companies, made him an expert in design field. From 1997 until 2001 he led the design section of the InGD (Institute of Design). In 2002 he began developing “3D-LifeScapes”.